We Choose Joy

WE CHOOSE JOY – Every. Freaking. Day. We choose a positive outlook. We choose to ground ourselves in gratitude and celebrate wins. We want to work in an environment with amazing energy– the kind you can feel when you walk through the door. 

We are wrapping up this series of episodes on our core values with one of our favorites. We Choose Joy. This core value is a team favorite because it is something that we each can actively choose every single day. Even when times are uncertain or unpredictable, we can still choose to have an attitude and perspective that is joyful. 

Choosing joy is really that of a perspective that you can cultivate within yourself and your team. We choose to ground ourselves in gratitude as a team and individually so that it gives us the perspective to be joyful at all times. Every morning our CEO, Cam, does a gratitude practice where you look for moments in your day that you can be truly grateful for. These are small things that we often take for granted, like cuddling with our kiddos or easy traffic in our morning commutes. She writes 5 things she is grateful for every morning before she starts her day because a heart of gratitude is a heart that can choose joy more easily. We practice gratitude as a team once a week as well where we are encouraged to mention something we are grateful for within our positions or in our personal lives and we get to encourage one another. It’s such a sweet time that our team gets a glimpse of how we view the world around us. 

We celebrate wins. Not just big wins, but the little victories as well. Sometimes we get in the groove of answering emails, completing projects, talking with clients, and more and we forget that we are doing great work. Oftentimes, we just move on to the next thing or next project without taking a moment to truly celebrate what we do. Kaley, our CCO, is an incredible cultivator of celebration. She reminds our team that we are doing something great and gives us examples of how to take a breathe and celebrate. 

Now that we have shared with you how we choose joy by gratitude and celebration, here are some of our favorite ways specifically – 

In your company – 

  • Celebrate wins within your team! Every team meeting, we go around the table and each person will share a win in their position.
  • We do a Start Today Journal – Our favorite journal is the Start Today Journal by Rachel Hollis.
  • Having team dance parties. We count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and put on a fun song to dance for 30 sends (although sometimes longer if the song is groovy!) If you need a little inspiration, check out our virtual dance party

 With your clients/business relationships – 

  • Greet them with genuineness.  A warm smile, friendly handshake or fist bump is a great way to start your interaction with a client or business relationship and shows them a tiny bit of joy. Holding that joyful attitude the entire conversation is key though, don’t let that joy slip you even when things don’t pan out how you expected. 
  • Share your dance parties. Share your new 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 trick with others, maybe they’ll join you in on it someday!! 

We dive even deeper into choosing joy in our latest podcast episode, so give it a listen. We hope you will join us every Wednesday at 8 am when episodes drop. Hit the subscribe button to make sure we can continue to bring you quality content for FREE! 

Listen to the episode on Apple or Spotify