Friend, are you struggling with something in your life? We hope to be a space that you feel encouraged and uplifted. Today, I want to talk about finding joy in the unknown.
When hard times come, it can feel like we are drowning. It’s human nature to feel sad and discouraged — and it’s okay to feel those feelings! We should give ourselves space to feel hurt, upset, confused, or fearful.
Think about all the tough things you’ve been through in your past and where you are now. Do you think that you would be as strong or courageous without those tough moments?
I have always told the story of becoming diabetic as an example of something hard that I grew from. Hearing this news was a huge, life altering event. I had to change my diet and my lifestyle. It affected my finances as I was now purchasing hundreds of dollars worth of medical supplies every month. It was hard. But now, I have lived 4 years with it and I am able to look back on that moment in my life and find some joy in it all. Sure, life would be easier without T1D, but would I have as much grace & empathy for others? Probably not. Would I be as mindful about what I put into my body? Probably not. Would I be the woman that I am right now? Absolutely not. My outlook on life would be totally different had this not happened to me.
Growth happens when you go through something really tough. In the moment, it can feel really scary. I’m here to tell you, friend, that you can get through it. You are strong, and I believe in you! In the midst of struggles, I like to remind myself that I am not alone. No matter what you are going through, I can bet that there is someone else out there going through something similar. It’s comforting knowing that we are truly all in this together.
Before you are able to find joy, first give yourself space to feel. Give yourself time. Growth will not happen overnight. But once you feel all those feelings, you are able to be hopeful for the future. When we remember that things will work out as they should, it is easier to process the unknown.
The BEST way I have found to find joy in the unknown is to get out your Joy List. We have talked about the Joy List many times. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, head over to our podcast to hear more! When you feel the weight of anxiety & fear, do something off of your joy list. For me, I love to grab a great cup of coffee at my favorite coffee shop or spend quality time with someone I love. It brings me so much joy! When we do little things for ourselves, it reminds us that life is meant to be spent doing things we love. Next time you do something on your joy list, take a moment to just be grateful for that little moment.
I hope you took something away from this little letter. If this encouraged you, send me an email at! I would love to hear from you. From me to you, I am rooting for you!
Brooke Hicks