This week, we have celebrated moms from all walks of life. Moms who are pregnant and moms who have lost babies. Moms who have toddlers and moms who have adopted. Moms who have adult children and moms who are no longer with us. Each and every one of them are special.
Our dear friend & photographer, Natalie Shelton, captured these precious moments of moms from different walks of life. I wanted to share some of her words as they are important to remember:
“There have been many years that Mother’s Day has been a painful reminder of what I do not have, a prayer unanswered, a waiting (infertility). And I know that for some it is a recurring wound of the memory of a mother that you strongly and deeply miss like you lost her yesterday. And yet still for others maybe their mother could not love them well for one reason or another and it’s a source of pain. Or it is possible that you are a mother, and Mother’s Day reminds you that you don’t hold your baby today. But I’m learning that pain, suffering, heartbreak, and love can exist in the same heart, at the same time. And just because grief and pain is real and true it does not keep us from celebrating the beauty of life and the dedication of the women in our lives. Keep in mind that if you have ever loved someone gently, nurtured a life, shared the secrets of life, cared for them or helped them heal — you are a mother.”
Moms do a lot of things, but the biggest thing they do is care for us and help us grow.
I decided to ask a few people that were a part of this shoot the #1 thing their mom taught them… and the answers, well, they go to prove my point that moms are special.
“My mom taught me how to think aesthetically. It’s a mindset I still use professionally to this day!” – Anna Beth, floral designer
“My mom taught me how to love fiercely and care deeply. I’ve never known a more caring person who would do absolutely anything for me.” – Brooke Hicks, content manager
“The most important thing she taught me was to be kind and respectful towards others. She was a single mom, so she taught me just about everything I know.” – John Garcia, warehouse manager
“The number one thing my mom taught me is to be excellent in everything I do.” – Abbie Gamboa, mama in shoot
“My mom is such a special woman. She has always taught me, not through words but by example, to look for ways to love and serve others. She was (and still is) always the first to jump in to help anyone whether that be me, my sisters, my dad, our family, or our community. She’s incredibly selfless and has an ability to know just whatever one needs. It’s something I hope to teach my children someday.” – Kaley Goodall, creative director
“My mom taught me to be a great friend! She has always been the friend that does what it takes to pursue a friendship with others in an intentional way and that has affected how I pursue my friendships in life as well! Thanks mama for setting a great example!” – Cam Petty, mama in shoot
“She told me that ‘if you cannot marry your partner exactly as they are at the altar without wanting to change anything about them or expecting them to change then you should not marry that person…’ of course I did not listen to her advice along with anything else she said to me and I learned the hard way!” – Natalie Shelton, photographer
If you’re a mom, we hope you feel celebrated this Mother’s Day!
Brooke Hicks | Render